"Der Frühstücksclub"

German Breakfast Club

What can I expect?

This course will focus on practical German for everyday living. The main focus in not on complex grammatical theory or syntax, as highlighted humorously in Mark Twain’s “The Awful German Language”, but rather on practical phrases, vocabulary and useful structures so you can make yourself heard in a range of everyday situations.


In the course we will target areas such as


This course is very hands on and focuses primarily on getting you to speak German using set phrases for a variety of situations. Through a series of role-plays, you practise the language that has been learnt in simulated scenarios with Trainer feedback.

Naturally basic grammar will be taught and practised, new vocabulary will be introduced and you will be requested to review what has been covered in class so we can progress the following week.

Training dates::
Every Tuesday morning 09:00 – 11.30 (2 TU) ( 3 starting dates per year)

International Language School,  
Kaiser-Friedrich-Promenade 153a, 61352 Bad Homburg

Target Audience::
/Anyone with a basic level of German

Class size::
min. 5 participants; max. 10 participants

€ 375* per 15 week block including coffee and croissants

* Register a friend or colleague too and you get a 10% reduction!